CaseWare IDEA

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Jan 31 2022

Powerful Data Analytics with CaseWare IDEA®

by CaseWare IDEA
CaseWare IDEA® Data Analysis is a comprehensive commanding data analytics tool that guarantees data integrity and accelerates the performance of analytics that yield faster and more effective external audits. As an external auditor, making sense of the organisational data of your clients can be challenging, to say the least. CaseWare IDEA® enables you to read, display, analyse, manipulate, sample and extract data with ease and from almost any source through a user-friendly, intuitive interface. Auditors can quickly produce tailored reports, identify trends and outliers and detect fraud in the external audit. According to Christiaan Steyn, Assurance Product Manager, CaseWare Africa, auditing teams spend a significant amount of their time selecting samples and analysing client data for audit engagements. “It is now more important than ever for auditors to look at all of the data in the audit, rather than just a sample. This is because of the explosion of the amount of data available to...Read More
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